Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The U.S. in the Global Market

Ella A. 
One main ethical issue dealing with politics is by a simple raise in taxes can totally wipe out certain businesses. When I think about interest rate control, I think about Ben Bernanke. I feel if he says up, interest rates go up, if he says down… Well, you get the idea. My point is, we are supposed to live in a “free trade market”, but this is just what the government wants us to believe. We are living in a free trade market of what the government will allow permissible.
What’s the point of going from 5 to 100% interest on that bath oil company? To watch the company struggle and go out of business, because our government can’t simply state the true reasons of why certain interest rates are going up! This is protectionism within the government that is masked with high interest rates to keep money circulating in our economy and not shipped out even more than it already is. Seriously now, how much money do we owe China??? I’m not saying it is wrong to have some kind of protectionism, but just increasing interest rates on these small business owners out of the blue is definitely not ethical or socially responsible! It’s like the government saying, we need to make this decision “for the good of the economy”, and so we are going to make your life hard until you decide to go out of business. This is what happens every day! The problem is, if the government would be more straight forward and socially responsible, maybe giving out subsidies to closing small to medium sized businesses because of ridiculous government enforced interest rates. Maybe then, they can get a heads-up, and start planning in a different direction to stimulate the economy instead of pushing up that unemployment percentage.
I understand, this is not something that would be accepted with open arms, but wouldn’t we rather be told the truth than believe in a lie? Wouldn’t we rather know what the government has planned in advance and plan out how that will directly affect the lives of so many? How many more jobs need to be lost before there is a change in sincerity? This may seem dramatic now, but it is all seeming to get more and more out of hand as the once “weak” countries rise up to the competitive global market. The truth can sometimes be harsh to hear, and I hate to be dramatic, but how bad is this economy going to get before there is a turn around. What happened to the president who had “A Change!”? The only change I’ve seen thus far is an increase in unemployment and more money spent in the health care reform which doesn’t seem to be the same reform plan we were promised. It’s obviously not easy to change, and we will go through hard times before it gets better, but things need to be more honest and especially ethical to the public. Why do we take ethics in every single one of our college classes in the first place; to lead out country like this? We need honesty, even if it’s not what we want to hear! Not defending communism by any means, but at least they are straight forward with their people. They say, look we don’t want this in our country, so we are not having it. Here in the U.S. we just get tax and interest rate increases for things that the government wants to control. I’m confused, because to me, it’s sounding like the same thing (just saying it in a nicer more tolerated “American way”).


  1. Well said. Everything in this day in age is controlled by the government. Truth, morals and responsibility have been opted out of our society and replaced with selfish ambition. Its a domino effect in this economy, and it's only going to get worse if not handled properly and soon...

  2. This is the distressing truth. On the bright side, we as a country have a lot to be thankful for. The U.S. is one of the world’s most fortunate countries, although we still battle ethical issues like any other country.
    My stance on this post was to implement sincerity and trust with communication from the government to the people. We the people need to know the truth as I said. Just pushing for increases in taxes and interest rates to “kill” a certain market, per say, is not ethical or socially responsible as mentioned.
    The question is; what is going to be done about it? Or better yet; what can be done about it? Unless we do not speak up, nothing will be done! People will just go along with each day not conformed concerning the structure of our government; but if no one takes an initiative to say anything, how will we arrive at change?!
