Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The CHANGE in the World's Population...

YouTube short video on Dr. George Friedman’s “The Next 100 Years a FORECAST for the 21st Century”

The above video is a must watch. Let us get some feedback on feelings about the decline in population. The fertility rate is declining all around the world. What is there to come? Watch the next videos.

“The Decade Ahead: Changing Dynamics in the Middle East” (Dr. George Friedman)

“Next 100 Years - STRATFOR - George Friedman - Part 1” (Dr. George Friedman)

With all the important points touched upon:
·         - warfare
·         - rising alternative energy source (solar power)
·         - middle-eastern immigration and
·         - the decline of the current strong cultures

What is Insight you can contribute to this post? Thoughts, feelings…
To reiterate the point of the declining fertility rate, over the next decade where will the declining cultures stand? It is intimidating to think that mathematically, some cultures are forecasted to almost vanish.

From a previously viewed video that I have chosen not to disclose because of religious debate, but thought these points significant to get my point across.

In order for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years, the required fertility rate is 2.11 children per family. Historically no culture has ever reversed a 1.9 fertility rate. A rate of 1.3, impossible to reverse, because it would take 80-100 years to correct itself, and there is NO economic model that can sustain a culture in that time. In other words, if two sets of parents each have one child; there are half as many children as parents. If those children have one child then there are one fourth as many grand children as grandparents…

As these populations shrink, “so do the cultures!”

As of 2007 according to the video quoted above,
Fertility Rate:
·         France 1.8
·         England 1.6
·         Greece 1.3
·         Germany 1.3
·         Italy 1.2
·         Spain 1.1
Across the European Union of 31 countries, the fertility rate is 1.38 “Historical research tells us these numbers are impossible to reverse!”

“Out of all population growth in Europe since 1990 90% has been Islamic immigration”

The reason for the population not declining in Europe is because of Islamic Immigration.
The video also goes on to say the following and much more…

In France: Islamic immigrants are having 8.1 children per family, as compared to the native French who are having 1.8 children per family.

In the last 30 years the Muslim population of Great Britain rose from 82,000 to 2.5 million, a 30-Fold increase… In the Netherlands 50% of all newborns are Muslim.

“The fall in the (German) Population can no longer be stopped. Its downward spiral is no longer reversible… It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050” (Germany Federal Statistics office)
Statistics like the above are also true for Canada and the U.S. How does this make declining cultures feel? 

My view on this is that through the years and increasing women entering the workforce and having fewer children, this was bound to happen. Although as a woman I greatly value my independence and hard work ethic, I am afraid to think of the future women sharing the same culture as mine. Will all other cultures wipe out all together? It is a frightening thought.

As a touchy subject I ask that all responses please be respectful, unbiased and insightful. Thank you for reading Ella A. Insight.


  1. Gabby, I promised you I'd read your blog, sorry it took so long for me to get around to the latest! I'm glad you brought up such a thought provoking topic.

    Ok so I (respectfully) have a huge problem with this. I am aware of the video that you quoted but didn't post. I also understand why you didn't post it, because it is one of the most bigoted videos on youtube. However, regardless of my personal feelings towards it, I can understand how you watched it and took it at face value, and had legitimate concerns. The problem is, almost nothing in that video is factual! In fact, the BBC debunked majority of the content in that video. Please read this article ( This article pretty much sums up everything I could possibly refute.

    That being said, even if those crazy BS statistics were true, what's the big deal? I don't think western culture is in any threat of decline. If anything, all those "Islamic Immigrants" (who the hell made up that term anyways??) are becoming more westernized. Seriously though, Islamic immigrants? Muslims come from all over the world. Why are they defined by their religion? I'm not trying to turn this into a religious debate again, but it's not like we refer to all Indian immigrants as "Hindu Immigrants" or all European immigrants as "Christian Immigrants". I really had to roll my eyes at that term and that whole video in general. Propaganda like this is what divides us all as human beings.

  2. An interesting point proven by Shazia, the research done from BBC presented by Shazia speaks for itself. To further present information…

    Watch the video on this:

    The video I originally quoted posted on Youtube became a topic of much debate and questioning that even the News got involved!

    Thank you for your insight Shazia, it pushed me to find the video above.

    The point taken from this blog is that research should be done on various platforms to make sure of it relevance and reliability. We have to be extremely careful of what we assume, because it might just be media trying to cause a scare.

    Thank you for reading Ella A. Insight

  3. It comes as no surprise that populations are being reduced as humans become less fertile for reproduction.

    There are many well documented studies in academic databases of BPA for example reducing fertility.

    BPA is a common chemical in many plastic products including pacifiers for babies. So from the day you're born male baby's sperm count is reduced.

    With females, BPA increases the risk of breast cancer.

    Then you have the powers of "special interests" like PLANNED PARENT HOOD, which say what you want to say, it really is a "politically correct" way of hinting at abortion.

    The Planned Parent Hood organization is funded by Mr. Rockefeller himself. A very very rich and powerful man who seems to be very concerned with overpopulation.

    Feel free to provide your thoughts on my comment.

    - Irving
